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Adding a Logo to Receipts and Invoices

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Adding a Logo to Receipts and Invoices.

You are able to set the PowerPos system to print a logo instead of just the text business name on receipts and invoices. To do this you need to create a logo image and save it into the pics directory of PowerPos. (See file locations section of this document to determine where the pics directory is located)

The picture file that you need to create needs to match 3 criterion.

A)The picture file format must be in either the JPG or BMP file format

B)The file must be named logo.bmp or logo.jpg depending on which file format you are using.

C)The image file should not be too large in size. I have found that if you when you open the image on a computer screen if you can put a strip of receipt paper over the screen image and hide it completely then the image is of a size that will work. If the image is too large it simply will not work.

No further steps are necessary, once you have put the file in the pics directory it will simply print on all receipts and invoices from that time on.

Removing a Logo from Receipts and Invoices.

You simply need to delete the file called logo.bmp or logo.jpg from the pics directory.