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The system has a wide variety of settings to aid in customize the program to you needs. The main area of settings can be found by selecting Manager from the Main Control screen, Then Settings and then General.

Below you will find a brief description of the options on the general setting screen.

In the column marked - Global Settings

Cashier Closing Sales Report

A cashier report is displayed when a cashier logs out. The report can be printed.

Cashier Z‐out

A Z-out is generated each time a cashier logs-out.

Cashier Must Log In Each Sale

For every transaction (sale) a cashier must log into the system.

Must enter Cash paid

When cash is the payment method the cashier must enter the amount tendered.

Must enter Payment type

Before a sale can be completed the payment method must be entered.

Always to cash payment

The system will only display the cash option when a sale is finished.

Always to terms payment

The system will only display the terms option at end of sale.

Show Change Window

The system will display the change screen on each transaction

Show Print Option

The system will display the print option on each transaction. This gives the cashier the option to print a receipt. A receipt can be set to print automatically in the Printer & Equipment window.

Show Club Option

Displays the check box "Club Discount" options in the customer window and Sales Info window.

One Item (qty) Per Line

Each item selected will have its own line. If not selected each same item will increase the current number sold on the same line. (warning: this options is required when using Modifiers or Addons)

Auto Quick Add

Allow new products to be entered into the database with a Quick Add window when the barcode or item# is not found.

Ask For Check #

Will display a prompt to enter a specific check #.

Bad Check Search

When customers pay by check (and select payment type is also selected) a prompt will be displayed indicating the customer has a bad check on file.

Offer Store Credit on Returns

Store credit will be given to customers on negative balance sales. The credit amount will be saved to the customers record. The customer can use the credit on following sales. You must select the customers name to the sale for the system to offer the store credit.

Check Scan for Drivers License

Will scan for driver's license swipes.

Check Scan for Credit Cards

Will scan for credit card swipes.

Print Open Drawer Receipt

Whenever the cash drawer is opened (not a sale), an 'Open Drawer Receipt' will be printed.

Print Payout Receipts

A 'Payout Receipt' will be printed whenever a payment is done.

In the column marked ‐ Local Settings

List Only Open Sales

Displays only open sales. This function can also be selected using the "Open Sales" button in the sales display window on the main screen.

List Only Today's Sales

Display only today's sales, as opposed to all sales.

List Only Cashier Sales

List the sales for a specific cashier. This function can also be selected using the "Cashier Sales" button in the sales display window on the main screen. Specific cashiers need to be selected.

List Only Staff/Waiter Sales

Identify all sales by specific staff/Waiter.

Show Navigate Window

Show or hide the sales navigate window.

Show Cashier Button

Show or hide the cashier button in the navigate window.

Must Select Cashier

A cashier must be logged in to complete a transaction.

Must Select a Staff/Waiter

A salesperson/Waiter must be selected to complete a sale.

On Screen Keyboard

A small keyboard will be displayed for data entry using the mouse or touch screen.

Blind Closing Reports

Cashiers will not be able to view sales totals on the screen when doing z-out or Daily Reconciliation.

Hide Menu Bar

Hides the toolbar. If hidden, bring the menu bar back using the "Hide" icon located on the main screen through the "Options" icon.

Don't Maximize Order Window

The POS window size can be adjusted as opposed to full screen size. Note: Double click to maximize.

Show Alternate Products

This option will list alternate products if the product selected is out of stock.

Show Staff/Waiter

Displays the Salesperson icon at different windows. Can be used if the salesperson and/or cashier are different individuals.

Hide Finish Button

Will hide the F12 'Finish' button.

Sales Screen

(General Retail & Restaurant versions only)

Grey Buttons

Shades all product buttons to grey.

Full Product Description

The product (being sold) description is recorded in the open sales window.

Show Product Pictures

Display pictures of each product on the product buttons if one is available.

Enlarge Buttons Mouse‐over

When selected, the standard 'product' buttons will be enlarged when the mouse arrow goes over them.

On the right hand side of the Settings Screen.

Font Size

This changes the size of the font used in areas like the sales screen – I suggest the you increase this option in small increments only.

Regular Hr/wk

This changes the number of hours for a full week I.E 37.5 or 40


There is 1 column of categories shown by default. This can be changed to up to 3 columns of categories, for a total of 18 individual categories.


This changes allows you to change the system font.

Use Default Fonts.

As the name implies this options forces the system to use the default fonts.

Product Search

Allows you do select simple or advanced search options.

1st Day of the Week

This allows you to tell the system the day you week starts. Normal set for payroll purposes but affects all reports dealing with day, week, month ranges.