The MPO$ 1300 1D,2D barcode scanner is a lightweight handheld barcode scanner suitable for small businesses.
It will read both the older line barcodes and the newer QR codes.
The scanner requires no drivers and is simply plug and play.
Technical data
* Data interface USB HID KEYBOARD
* Sensor Photo sensor CMOS array sensor CMOS array sensor
Sensor resolution
* Sensor Resolution 648 x 488 pixels
* Light source light source white LED*1
* Aiming light source Aim light source red stripe LED
* Performance characteristics Performance Characteristics
* The scanning speed is Scan Rate: 30fps
* The reading angle is about Decode angle: 55 Pitch, angle 55 Before and after: 55 Skew, angle 55
* Rotation: 180 degrees, Tilt angle:180 degrees
* Minimum resolution Min resolution 1D:5mil (0.127mm)
* Minimum print contrast Min. PCS value > 20%UPC/EAN 13 (13mil)
* R curvature greater than 15 mm (EAN8), R = 20 mm (EAN13) (resolution=0.26mm, PCS=0.9)
* Visual field of View 20 degree (H), 21 degree (V)
* Language multiple languages
* Decoding capabilities Identification 1D:UPC/EAN, Code 128, Code 39,
Code 93, Code 11, Matrix 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code bar , MSI
* 2D: QR Code PDF417, QR Code (Model/2) Data Matrix (ECC200, ECC000, 050, 080, 100, 1400, Aztec, Mxicode etc.
* Physical properties Physical Characteristics: 97 mm x 67 mm x165mm (L*W*H)
* Weight 122.8g
Environmental characteristics Environmental Characteristics
* The temperature is Temp -20 degrees to 60 degrees C / -4 degrees to 140 degrees F ((operation))
-40 degrees -to 80 degrees C /-40 degrees to 176 degrees F (storage)
* Humidity 5 - 95% (operation) 5 - 95% (storage)
* The maximum LX of Ambient Light: fluorescent lamp is 4000 LX, the maximum sunlight is 80000 LX,
and the incandescent lamp is 4000
* Fluorescent light 4000 LX max, direct sun light 80000 LX max, white light 4000 LX Max
* Shock Resistant
Safety regulations Regulatory
* Electrical safety Electrical Safety UL 60950, EN/IEC 60950
* Electromagnetic interference / radio frequency interference EMI/RFI FCC Part 15 Class B, EN 55024/CISPR 22
* Environmental protection certification Environmental RoHS