Posted by MPOS on 9th Apr 2019
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MPO$ General Retail
In a retail environment you need to track stock, money, customer accounts, lay buys and do it all efficiently. MPO$ does it all easily once it is set up. Sales can be made by scanning bar codes or by picking items off the screen like in a green grocery store. MPO$ can receive payments by cash and calculate change or by card or account. Have a look at the list of features and more importantly download and have a play with the trial version. It is fully functional and make sure it suits your needs. Have a look at our video also. This should give you a good idea how easy it is to use.
Importantly MPO$ you buy and own with no monthly fees or charges and we do provide phone support. Also MPO$ is compatible with most brands of hardware.
The Settings starter
This panel is your first time setup interface where you customize
MPO$ to suit your business. MPO$ is the Australian version so it will track GST and comply with legal requirements.
Manager Control
The nerve center of the software. This is where you control all aspects of the software. All your settings, products, customers and account scan be accessed here. Of course all reports are run from within this control panel and it is controlled by security passwords so the correct staff member accesses the correct area.
Feature List.
Multiple registers updating common database concurrently(Network Version Only)
Product Modifiers
Add-ons, Up sell Offer, Quantity Discounts, Insurance Offer
Show alternate products when out-of-stock
Product kits or Built products
Cash, check, credit card and split tender sales
Store Credit, Gift Cards, Down Payment, Lay Buys, Terms (Billing)
Keep track of historical transaction records
Can use bar code scanner, Keyboard or Touch Screen
User-defined multiple price levels
Discount pricing for different customers
Automatic discounts for sales period
Low Margin Warnings
Keeps track of inventory on-hand quantities
Generates invoices, receipts, packing slips, quotes
Generate Purchase Orders with recommended reorder qty
Payment due notice
Navigate to all previously generated invoices / receipts
Sales Commission tracking
Keeps track of cashier, cash register
Keeps track of sales personnel
Keeps track of customer information
Sales with or without customer specified
Shipping charge and shipping information
Taxable, and tax exempt customers
Void or Edit invoice
Keeps track of minimum inventory re-order quantity
Automatic reorder estimator
Inventory Control
Product information maintenance screen to update inventory on-hand, minimum quantity
Inventory on-hand is automatically updated as you sell the products in point-of-sale screen
Price lookup screen also shows the inventory on-hand
Vendor information is connected to the product information
Australian version
Supports GST Added or GST Included methods
Currency & Terminology Editor
Large Number of Reports
Sales journal in any date ranges
Sales journal at detail level (product sales) and summary level (invoice level)
Sales journal (detail and summary)downloaded to Excel
Sales reports by product, category, vendor, cashier, sales personnel in any date ranges
Manpower Planning
Reports can be saved, emailed, printed or copied
Automatic Email Reports
Print customer information list
Print product information list
Download customer information to (text, Excel)
Download product information to (text, Excel)
Upload customer information from (text, Excel)
Upload product information from (text, Excel)
Product, Category and logo pictures
Customer Database
Easy search by customer
Update name address, phone, fax, contact, e-mail address, and other notes
Update additional ship-to, address, information, phone, fax
Information print, download and upload capability
Customer Order Limit
Customer Credit Limit
Access Security
Option to run with or without access security
Password security
Club / Member discounts
Private invoice notes
Receipt messages and notes
Track bad check writers
No installation required
Multiple open sales
Instant Payment History
Instant Customer Purchase History
Transfer Inventory
Coupon Discount by Amount and %
Allow Trade-in's
Rent by Hour, Day or flat rate
Multiple printer and remote printer support
Accept Credit cards
Auto Backups
Pay-out tracking